Contact form

    Col­lec­tion of per­son­al data in this form

    We only col­lect the per­son­al data that we actu­al­ly need to get in touch with you (prin­ci­ple of data econ­o­my), namely: 

    — Your email address 

    — Your name 

    Use of your data from this form

    The per­son­al data that you pro­vide in the con­text of the enquiry will only be used to con­tact you and answer your ques­tion, and for asso­ci­at­ed tech­ni­cal require­ments (prin­ci­ple of pur­pose lim­i­ta­tion). The data will not be passed on to third parties. 

    You have the right to revoke your con­sent at any time, and if you do so your per­son­al data will be delet­ed immediately. 

    Your per­son­al data will also be delet­ed with­out your revo­ca­tion once we have processed your request. This will also hap­pen if the stor­age is not allowed for any legal reasons. 

    You can obtain infor­ma­tion about the data stored about you at any time. 


    Your request is trans­mit­ted to us via an encrypt­ed connection. 

    You can find our com­plete pri­va­cy pol­i­cy here.