
Mobile High-Temperature Camera Probe and Sensor System

The fol­low­ing videos show how our Mobile High-Tem­per­a­ture Cam­era works togeth­er with our Tem­per­a­ture Sen­sor Sys­tems mon­i­tor­ing an online explo­sive clean­ing in the first pass of an RDS as well as some exam­ples of cam­era appli­ca­tions in the boiler.


CheMin is delight­ed to be par­tic­i­pat­ing in the der Berlin­er Kon­ferenz für Abfall­wirtschaft und Energie, on Jan­u­ary 27 and 28. Andreas Lichtinger will give a pre­sen­ta­tion called ‘Air-Cooled Mobile High-Tem­per­a­ture Cam­era Probe for Flex­i­ble Use in Ther­mo-Chem­i­cal Process­es’, focused on the advan­tages and flex­i­bil­i­ty of the air cooled high-tem­per­a­ture cam­era probe devel­oped by CheMin.

You can see the Conference’s full pro­gramme here:

CheMin’s Marie Kaiser will be con­tribut­ing to a webi­nar on 20 Novem­ber on explor­ing the pos­si­bil­i­ty of sub­sti­tut­ing fos­sil fuels with waste-derived alter­na­tives and apply­ing oxy­fu­el and chem­i­cal loop­ing com­bus­tion (CLC) tech­nolo­gies in the waste-to-ener­gy (WtE) sec­tor as a means of cap­tur­ing CO₂ emissions.

Marie’s pre­sen­ta­tion looks at cor­ro­sion mea­sure­ments in chem­i­cal-loop­ing com­bus­tion (CLC).
The event is a col­lab­o­ra­tion between ACT Louise and RFCS Rebecca.

Access is via Teams, and you can reg­is­ter here:‑2

More Infor­ma­tion on the cor­ro­sion assess­ment in the LOUISE pilot plant can be found here:

CheMin is delight­ed to be par­tic­i­pat­ing in the 56th Pow­er Plant Tech­nol­o­gy Col­lo­qui­um, which starts in Dres­den on 8th Octo­ber 2024.

Marie Kaiser, our head of R&D, will give a pre­sen­ta­tion called Corro­sion and foul­ingpoten­tial in chem­i­cal loop­ing com­bus­tion of sol­id waste-derived fuels with insuf­fi­cient reac­tor tem­per­a­ture con­trol.

She will dis­cuss the results of online sam­pling using cooled probes at the 1 MWth test facil­i­ty in Darm­stadt, and look at the inter­ac­tions of the oxy­gen car­ri­er with the fuel at insuf­fi­cient tem­per­a­ture regimes.

You can see the Colloquium’s full pro­gramme here: