Mobile High-Temperature Camera Probe and Sensor System
The following videos show how our Mobile High-Temperature Camera works together with our Temperature Sensor Systems monitoring an online explosive cleaning in the first pass of an RDS as well as some examples of camera applications in the boiler.
CheMin experts have contributed an article to the vgbe journal, the magazine of the technical association of energy plant operators. It looks at in-situ fuel diagnosis and solving problems by using the boiler as a continuous combustion lab.
Certain fuels, particularly those used in waste, RDF and biomass furnaces are characterized by heterogeneity and complex chemical compositions. This causes stress to the boiler, its components, and its materials. The firing system that controls the incineration process in the furnace is fed by a large amount of sensory data yet the characteristics of the fuel remain unknown in the firing system.
The concept of in-situ fuel diagnosis addresses this by utilizing the boiler as a permanent combustion laboratory, making the hidden properties and processes visible. Methods include the generation of metadata through balancing and modelling alongside specific sensor applications.
The basic idea of the in-situ fuel diagnosis is linking thermal utilization of the fuel with the collection of fuel properties. This approach is advantageous and useful, as the necessary sensor applications are commonly available and well established. Plants that are particularly affected include those firing waste, RDF, biomass, lignite, and coal.
The industry is being pushed by legal and environmental imperatives associated with the circular economy towards innovation and new fuels. In-situ fuel diagnosis supports the operators of the plants in their efforts to achieve the goals of increased energy efficiency and power output and the reduction of fossil CO2.
The full article can be read on our website:
CheMin is delighted to be participating in the der Berliner Konferenz für Abfallwirtschaft und Energie, on January 27 and 28. Andreas Lichtinger will give a presentation called ‘Air-Cooled Mobile High-Temperature Camera Probe for Flexible Use in Thermo-Chemical Processes’, focused on the advantages and flexibility of the air cooled high-temperature camera probe developed by CheMin.
You can see the Conference’s full programme here:
CheMin’s Marie Kaiser will be contributing to a webinar on 20 November on exploring the possibility of substituting fossil fuels with waste-derived alternatives and applying oxyfuel and chemical looping combustion (CLC) technologies in the waste-to-energy (WtE) sector as a means of capturing CO₂ emissions.
Marie’s presentation looks at corrosion measurements in chemical-looping combustion (CLC).
The event is a collaboration between ACT Louise and RFCS Rebecca.
Access is via Teams, and you can register here:‑2
More Information on the corrosion assessment in the LOUISE pilot plant can be found here:
CheMin is delighted to be participating in the 56th Power Plant Technology Colloquium, which starts in Dresden on 8th October 2024.
Marie Kaiser, our head of R&D, will give a presentation called ‘Corrosion and foulingpotential in chemical looping combustion of solid waste-derived fuels with insufficient reactor temperature control’.
She will discuss the results of online sampling using cooled probes at the 1 MWth test facility in Darmstadt, and look at the interactions of the oxygen carrier with the fuel at insufficient temperature regimes.
You can see the Colloquium’s full programme here: