Range of Services
We are at your service – for combustion power plants of all kinds, and in other plants where thermochemical processes take place.
Our numerous activities concern the assessment, reduction and prevention of corrosion and fouling, as well as the optimisation of process sequences. That starts with the planning and commissioning of new or expanded plants and continues with the operation and revision of existing plants what will help to keep maintenance costs down and raise operational availability.
Our activities aim to prolong service life respectively operating time and to improve energy efficiency. Thus, they can play a vital role in optimisation and risk management strategies with regard to corrosion, fouling and process control. It is our concern, that our commitment for waste-to-energy (WTE), refuse-derived fuel (RDF) and biomass power plants is a building block to support resource conservation, climate protection and environmental protection.
In the following, you will find information on the most important areas of our service range. You will notice that there is no strong separation between those, rather they are mostly strongly interlocked.